Inserting marijuana into vagina not treatment for infertility —Physicians

Medical professionals have warned Nigerian ladies to desist from rubbing or inserting random substance into their vaginas, following claims that the practice boosts fertility and sex drive.

In what has become a trend on social media, physicians say they have met women who inserted snuff, marijuana and shea butter into their vaginas to ‘rev up’ their sex drive or achieve conception.

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba, Lagos, Oliver Ezechi, said it was “really weird stuff,” though he said he was not surprised.

The Chief Research Fellow told Punch HealthWise that there were two things a woman could go to any length to solve — unwanted pregnancy and infertility.

“Women can do anything as far as they are convinced that it will resolve the problem.

“Women can insert anything in the hope that it would get them pregnant, or resolve other gynaecological issues. However, it is a dangerous trend that could often damage the vagina and reproductive tract, either as a corrosive or route to infection, both of which damage the genital tract,” Ezechi said.

The ob-gyn said it was relatively a common practice.

“Some women insert even non-prescription items such as douches and chocolate syrup in their privates for various reasons, including infertility,” Ezechi said.

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